Sensible High Budget Management - Budget Bracket #3

Budget Bracket #3 represents our highest tier pricing available. This package is meant mostly for those with investor capitol put aside for marketing and production elements, or established medium to large companies. We offer this package as a way to make the whole process more clear for those whom fit in that category.

Keep in mind the minimum budget listed of $5100+ is usually about as low as you could see a high scope project budget land. For the most part, projects of these sizes span from $10,000-$50,000, and include extremely extensive pre-production hours and expenses. If you’re approaching a large scope project, be prepared to spend, but when working with us, be prepared to know what you will have to spend.

Why so expensive?

When considering a large scale budget, there’s almost no end to how many expenses there are. We can let you know the whole way when they will come, but for now we’ve noted 3 of the most impactful elements:

  • The amount of shooting days and locations. There is nothing more clear and cost limiting than this. Additional days and locations increase every aspect of a production budget. This includes more expenses for professionals, more expenses for equipment transport, more expenses for locations, more expenses for insurance, etc. A clear cut outlook on this will do wonders for your budget.

  • Pre-Production Hours. Pre-Production hours for large scale projects sometimes take longer than the actual production and editing. This stage typically consist of casting, scriptwriting, and research. All of this can take many weeks or even months to arrange.

  • Specific Equipment Rentals & Additional Staffing. While a lot more predictable than the other elements, this aspect is very important. Equipment and staffing expenses can shoot up when the requirements are very niche per the needs of the shoot.

How is the content determined? (logic strings)

Like any other budget, we consider the particulars of the industry and goals of the company. But for content like this, there is more in play.

A “logic string” is a continuous string of logistical questions in which the following question further funnels the ideas of the content creation. They help to bridge the gap between the client and agency, making elements of the company and industry very clear. Once the logic string has reached its end, the project then transitions into more of a creative discussion, where the agency and client bounce ideas off of each other. An example of a logic string would look like the following:

Q. What is your company?

A. “Our company is _______”

Q. What does your company solve?

A. “Our company solves ___________”

Q. How?

A. “We offer _________________”

Q. Why do customers need _________?

A. “Customers need ___________ because____________________.”

Q. Who are the customers?

A. “They are those that fit into the following demographics ______________”

Q. Why should the consumers choose you?

A. “ The consumers should choose use because of ______________”


The ensuing creative discussion typically digs into issues such as tone (for example funny vs informational), impact (for example, taking itself serious, vs being laid back) and style (for example, fast paced vs. slow.)

Closing Thoughts

Larger scale projects like these are typically very long term projects that require significant legwork on the end of Pre-Production. Our primary goal in the early stages is to clearly outline what you can expect from the project, both in terms of outlook and the end product.


Phone: 631-245-9472

Joseph Moyles